Early Childhood Programs
Pre-Ballet (Ages 3-4)
Intro to Ballet (Ages 5-6)
Intro to Jazz (Ages 5-6)

Level 1
Ages 7 & Up
Ballet, Jazz I, & Modern I & II
Level 1 program
2 ballet classes, 1 Jazz & 1 modern class a week
Level 2
Ages 9 & Up
Ballet, Jazz II, & Modern I & II
Petite Company:
Students in the petite company can take all level 2 ballet, jazz, & modern classes in addition to the petite company class to learn & perform new choreography

Level 3
Ages 10 & Up
Ballet, Jazz & Modern III Combo Class, Junior Company
Junior Company program
Students in the junior company program can take unlimited level 3 ballet, jazz, & modern classes. They can also participate in the "junior company" class to learn & perform exciting new choreography.
Level 4 & 5
Ages 12 & Up
Level 4: Ballet, jazz IV, Modern IV, Ensemble
Level 5: Ballet, Advanced Modern, Advanced Jazz, Ensemble
Senior Company & Trainees Program
Students in the senior company & trainee program can take unlimited ballet, jazz, & modern classes. students can also participate in the "ensemble" to learn & perform new choreography.